Saturday, April 7, 2012

the history and study of the word "easter"

A Special Study regarding the word "Easter."

     Today , we will take a look at the word "Easter, and
  trace it back to ancient England.  Today Easter is a purely Christian
  term, however it has a very dark past indeed.  Now I am sharing this
  with you not to ruin your Easter Celebration, but to share the truth with
 you.  Also let us keep in mind that most Christian Holidays, including
 Christmas in December, came from ancient pagan Holidays as well.

     The word "Easter" does not appear even one time in the Original
 Transcripts.  After all,  there are no Hebrew or Greek words for it.  In
 the Original Manuscripts it uses the Hebrew word [ pesach ] which
 means Passover, the same applies to the New Testament in the
 Greek Transcripts [ paschal ] as well.  In fact the first time that
 Easter ever appeared in our Bible was with the very first King James
 Bible in the 1600's, and it was used only one time in that Bible,
 that was in ( Acts 12:4 ) where it was substituted for the word
 Passover, by whom we do not know.

     So where did the word "Easter" come from anyway?  Surprise,
 surprise, a Pagan Holiday which was in honor of a their goddess of
 the dawn, of spring, and of reproduction. So let us begin.....

     Now an ancient Babylonian legend had it that a giant egg fell from
 heaven, was rolled ashore by the little fishes, and hatched by doves
 into Ishtar, or Aahtoreth.  This legend over time became known even
 in Europe, and became firmly entrenched in ancient Britain and was
 celebrated during the Vernal Equinox.  The name Ashtoreth was
 transliterated into the Gaelic tongue as "Eastre." This was a form of
 Baal worship. ( One might note that whenever Baal worship was
 practiced, it included animal and human sacrifices involving children!

     During this festival pagan priests called Druids preformed religious
 rites involving dancing around phallic pillars, temple prostitution, and
 sacrifices in honor of Eastre.  Also eggs have always been associated
 with her, and wherever Baal worship has appeared. Thus Easter eggs
 are part of the ancient celebration of the goddess as well. The Easter
 Bunny is a more recent twist on an ancient theme, inspired by the
 same spirit, rabbits have long been associated with reproduction and
 with Ashtoreth, or Eastre.

     How did ( Eastre ) or Easter replace Passover?

     Now since the pagans were already celebrating their holiday at
 about the same time as Passover, the Church once again decided to
 sanctify their holy day as a method of converting pagans to
 Christianity.  So why not chance the name just a little, clean it up and
 get rid of their sacrifices, and make it a Christian Holy Day.  It was
 then that Eastre's day became known as Easter.

     Also, remember our old friend Constantine the Roman emperor?
 The man who decided to change the Sabbath from the seventh day to
 the first day of the week, and then muscled the Church into accepting
 that.  The man who dared to change God's Word, well he struck again.
 You see Constantine convened the council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. a
 council that he hand picked I might add.  This council unanimously
 ruled that the Easter festival should be celebrated throughout the
 Christian World on the first Sunday after the full moon following the
 vernal equinox; and if the full moon should occur on a Sunday and
 thereby coincide with the Passover festival, Easter should by
 moved to the following Sunday.  Therefore Easter and Passover would
 become separated, and have been ever since.  This is why we
 celebrate Easter of a different day each year!

     Of course, in the modern World today the term Easter has become
 a purely Christian word. No one offers their children before phallic
 poles, or worships the statue of a woman with many breasts on Easter
 day. But Christ is equally pushed out, and I can't help but believe that
 our old enemy 'satan' is behind the whole affair. He simply kept
 introducing distractions such as eggs, bunnies, Easter baskets until the
 resurrection of Jesus became an afterthought, and finally not thought
 of at all, except by a very few. Thus the true significance, of Christ's
 triumphal victory over death itself, is lost in the shuffle I am sorry to

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