Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The beautiful colors of Summer will soon be upon us. A time
of fun in the sun, vacation, and lazy days. Another time to praise
God for His Creation.

Indeed a time to enjoy all of God's Wonderful Creation, for soon
Summertime beauty will surround us. So, as David said; I will praise
You, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will tell of
all Your marvelous works. ( Psalms 9:1 )

So today, I would like to share a poem with you about one
of my favorite seasons! I hope you will enjoy it...

Summer's Golden Days

Summer spills her golden days
Upon the earth in lush displays.
She softly sways the apple trees
As songbirds sing sweet melodies.
Summer wears a flower flock
Of goldenrod and hollyhock.
She spreads her magic uncontrolled
In blankets colored bright and bold.
Summer sings her lullabies
To buzzing bees and butterflies.
Silver moonbeams light the night;
I see a falling star in flight.
God sends the Summer scenery,
The birds, the bees, the greenery.
His tranquil nights and sun-filled days
He sends in summertime displays.
Poet, Nora M. Bozeman

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